Thursday 24 October 2013

Over the last week, we had final covenant approval for the design of the house and landscaping!  Finally!

We have had to change driveways and a few other small things.

It is in council and we are expecting it to be out of council first week of November all going well.  Bank approvals in place, and everything is ready to pull the trigger.

The new Working Drawings J are attached below.

Current Working Drawings Version J

Out new neighbours have also started on the fence on one side of our house.

As you can see, I have also marked out our house with yellow pegs so we could get a feel for the size of the yard etc.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

For covenant approval, we had to chose some external colours, landscaping and plants!  What a stress over the weekend.

Here they are, in a rough form.

Lexicon on the upper level, Vanilla Quake on the lower level except the garage which will be Antique Silver.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

We met with our colour consultant, and its probably been the hardest thing yet!  Choosing colours for the exterior especially is difficult, and we are now second guessing out choices already!

We really wanted to go with a grey palette, but ended up with a more brown one... who knows!

On a happier note, months after we actually paid for it, Rochedale Estates finally have our block listed as SOLD!

Nuvo have also put their sign up which makes us feel like this is a bit more real.

Our new neighbours, Kevin and Claude from South Africa seem lovely, and have two younger boys who attend Citipoint College which is great.  Our split of the fence bordering their property is about $70 per linear metre for 'Good Neighbour', capped fencing for those who care.