Friday 13 December 2013

Day 40 - 13/12/13

A major update while I was away this week, is that all the steel work got delivered and installed.

We have some huge beams running through the house.  The main beam is actually deeper than we had thought, and this means we will now have a bulkhead separating the kitchen and live/dining which is not what we wanted, but what do you do??

The builders also stopped today until January for the Xmas break.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Day 31 - 4/12/13

The frame is now coming along so quick.

Monday 2 December 2013

Day 29 - 2/12/13

We have power and some frames!!

Our lovely neighbours allowed us to use their power for a few days so the builders could start the frame.  

AGL then connected everything today so we can stop using their power.  Now the fun begins.